Sunday, June 26, 2005

Cat to be singing star on Broadway

New York (T2N2) Music critic Art Salinger today announced that his 6-year-old tabby cat by the name of 'Meow' is all set to debut on Broadway.

"A year ago, I was shocked to find this pussy in a roadside cafe meowing to the tune of 'We are the World',"
he told T2N2 in an exclusive interview.

Salinger promptly paid the cafe owner a thousand dollars for the cat, which apparently picked up its singing skills after listening to musicians playing in the plaza opposite the cafe.

"Make no mistake, this is going to beat 'Cats'. This cat is gonna make it big. Real big,"
he said.

Presently, Salinger is teaching Meow some new songs, including "some Britney Spears numbers". He says the wonder cat will make its debut sometime at the end of this year. (T2N2)

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